Monday, October 14, 2013

Why spend time learning to collaborate?

This is the updated post on my professional blog on collaboration. I credit my learning to my students and all colleagues and the professional learning community on twitter from around the world.
This is the updated post:

I will soon be sending the OCSB Learning Community a reminder about posting and connecting on Google+ for a sharing session.

Thank you to colleagues who continue to contribute and update our blog on our learning from our classrooms.

Sunday, October 6, 2013


This year, my class is participating in the Global Read Aloud Project. We are studying the author Eric Carle.  Our first book was The Very Hungry Caterpillar.  Last week, we had a great opportunity to video chat with two different classes from the USA via Skype. Mrs. Jones Grade 6 students read us the book in a creative way and lead a discussion.  We loved the props they used! Mrs. Andrew's Kindergartens taught us the cycle of a butterfly.  We loved their drawings! In addition, my Kindergarten students, used the app Draw and Tell app to create their own representation of a butterfly.  Each student recorded his/her name, where in the world he/she lived and shared something about his/her butterfly.  My students work will be part of a collaborate iMovie video with 3 other classes: Mrs. Lirenman's grade 1's from Vancouver, Mrs. Sargent PK-1st from Massachusetts and Mrs. Goold Kindergartens from California.  This was a lot of fun!

Ms. Lirenman taught me a cool way to share my student's work created on an iPad with her, who is far away. And I was able to do all of this all with my iPad! It's called dropitome! First, I saved the students work on my camera roll. Next, I opened Safari and typed in the  address that Ms. Lireman created and shared with me. I typed in the password, uploaded the file (student work) that I wanted to share with her and hit send! That's it! It was very easy to share my students work with my global read aloud partner.  Thank you to Ms. Lirenman for teaching me how to do this. I've already shared it with some colleagues and they also think it's pretty cool too!