Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Looking forward to the start of the new academic school year next week. Very excited to meet the Grade 6 and 5 students. This infographic represents the path of explorations for setting up ownership of learning and building our classroom community of respect to sharing and reflecting. As we go along the path I will be attaching evidence of our explorations.  More infographics will be developed covering the process of learning of many skills and strategies of learning.  Very exciting to explore, reflect and share with a new community of learners this year. We will embark in our own learning journey and we will be sharing our pedagogical process.

Monday, August 26, 2013

A few things to share...

Hi All,
Here are few resources for you. Feel free to use, delete, change and share!

Permission Form for Classroom Technology (Page 2 & 3 of this document)

Kidblog - Excellent safe site for blogging or eportfolios

Global Resources - Looking to join some fun projects....

Evernote Tutorial - A starting point if you would like to use Evernote for eportfolios

Enjoy! Have a great start to the new year!!


Sunday, August 25, 2013

Let's explore and connect!

Time is approaching as I am sure most of you will be visiting their schools and dusting the classrooms. I will be meeting with 3 colleagues on Monday at 11:00 o'clock for a chat about eportfolios. If you are interested please join us. we will be meeting at the board office at the link entrance.

I am hoping that we will be able to connect our classroom ideas on the blog. Inviting each others into our classrooms through sharing and collaborating what we do in our classrooms and how we cover the process with our students.

New article published on the web that you might find helpful with the iPads:

7 Time-Saving iPad Tips For Teachers

"Primary Bobcat iPad Contract " Graphic for students

4 Apps to create Designs with Words

Wishing you all a great start of the year and looking forward to sharing and connecting together.

Thursday, August 22, 2013

iPads Apps

More Apps!!

Remember don't overwhelm yourself with apps just choose a few and explore with your students. I came across a list of  27 apps this morning  for the elementary school.  The list is an overview of Math, Storeytelling Science, Social studies.

Just an overview to check: 27 iPad Apps for Elementary School

Enjoy exploring and please share on the blog  examples of apps from your classroom  that we explored on the 20th.


Tuesday, August 20, 2013


Thanks Rola! That was a great morning of learning. Lots of ideas and information shared by all the participants. 

Came upon this on Twitter today.....very timely since we were looking at the potential Three Ring offers for the documentation of student learning. It looks like students can now upload on their own. Very key piece, especially in junior. 

Thank You

Thank you for attending today, it was great to learn, explore and exchange ways of using the apps. I have added the archive button on the side to refer back to todays' session, the articles and the slides about the apps.

Enjoy the rest of August and please continue sharing and learning together.

Thanks Rola.

Online Professional Learning ... my best and favourite PD!

Hi everyone!

It was great to meet several of you today at +Rola Tibshirani's workshop on Capturing Student Thinking. I hope that we are able to connect even more in the coming months!

I just wanted to share a link to my website, in case anyone is interested! I have just started blogging and sharing resources I have created on my site and it's been a really great experience for me. Twitter has allowed me to connect with so many amazing and inspiring educators. My Twitter professional learning network is one of my most valuable tools in helping me learn about great ed tech initiatives to try and share!

If you are just starting to integrate technology and learn about new tools, don't feel overwhelmed or discouraged! There is a LOT out there and it's easy to feel like you're drowning in a sea of information! Choose one or two things to start with and slowly build on what you have learned. Many of the experts who are doing tons of great things have been doing this for many, many years! Everyone has to start somewhere!

I look forward to connecting with you and sharing new professional learning opportunities with you in the near future!

Please don't hesitate to contact me if you want to touch base about integrating technology in your classroom!

All the best! Enjoy the last bit of summer!

Twitter: @MsValois
Website with blog and resources: www.meganvalois.com

Hi Everyone,

Wow, what a great session today--could easily have been a full day.  I guess my own Next Step is to choose which app/apps I'm going to explore and get comfortable with and have my students access.  I also am interested in learning more about e-portfolios.  I don't have much tech experience so I've never explored this but with some app training and ideas now, this also seems like a logical Next Step.  I wonder if some of you are of this mind set?

Question (I am a beginner tech person so apologies if this seems very basic):  Where do you find the "How To" information regarding all the uses of Google/Google+?  Clearly, our Board wants us to use this but I confess, I know nothing about it....maybe it's all on Blackboard and I've missed it?  Thanks in advance for guiding me the right way!!

Enjoy the rest of the summer!

Phys Ed/Grade 4, St. Anne
Thank you Rola! What an exciting morning of learning and sharing. Can't wait to try some of these ideas in the classroom.


Such a great morning full of learning and collaborating! So anxious to get started!

Looking forward to further community building and sharing with you all!



Sunday, August 18, 2013

Summer Session: Capturing Students Thinking

August 20th Summer Session

I am very excited to be facilitating the summer session with Julie on Capturing students thinking. We will be sharing our experiences from our classrooms about capturing the learning process and continuing to learn more with you as team as we will be exploring students thinking during this academic year.

We all bring strength to learning as a community by sharing the learning and reflecting on our experiences. It doesn't matter where you are on your learning journey, as a team, learning together will also be valued at any level of entry as long as we will continue to pursue risks and sharing. I am hoping that we would all be able to connect and develop a rich learning network online through this blog. You are invited to contribute on this blog either by attaching a link from any doc, site or blog with a short and brief explanation about the experience of students' learning and your learning. Let's all take this learning risk as a team and share the positive and negative experiences from our students.

I spent the summer learning online and sharing with #ocsb on twitter from Boston, Austin, Chicago and Newfoundland.  Also joined #cyberpd by reflecting on the book "Who Owns The Learning?" by Alan November.  My learning online continues to globalize and connect to my students and the school, the board and the community.  I would like to share some tweets that resonated with me on technology:

  • RT @c_durley: Networks are key to personalized learning. @courosa #blc13
  • RT @amyburvall: @courosa nothing's real unless we document and post it, right? #blc13 #ocsb

  • RT @c_durley: “We shape our tools and our tools shape us.” McLuhan via @courosa #blc13 #ocsb

  • RT @NLearning: The greatest challenge facing teachers is shifting the control of learning to the student @globalearner #BLC13 #edtech
  • RT @ictregister: RT @NLearning: What are the contributions students can make to the learning community? #BLC13 @globalearner #edtech < #ukedchat #dlchat

  • RT @1stgradethinks: "Learning is social. It’s a group event. The power of the group beats the power of the individual." via @globalearner #BLC13  AMEN to that!!
  • RT @CathDoesMath: Technology is a tool, NOT a learning outcome. #blcbyob #blc13 #ocsb #plocsb

Articles on the importance of establishing a collaborative learning community and the learning process:  

It is very important that the learning intentions or goals and criteria are clear for students while using technology as a tool to amplify their thinking and document their learning, share new learning and determine next steps. It is really about designing tasks for students than learning 100 apps.

"One simple way of understanding our pedagogical theory of iPads is that we don’t want them to just become replacements for notebooks and textbooks, we want them to be objects to think with. We want students using them to mess around with the world around them and their courses of study." From Mindshift The iPad as a Tool

Learning Learning Learning Not Apps Apps Apps

A Practical Guide For Teachers Who Just Got iPads

The iPad as a Tool for Creation to Strengthen Learning

Technology Is a Tool, Not A Learning Outcome

5 Questions For Every Leader #leadershipDay13

iPad Apps Resources:

iPad Paperless Workflow infographic

44 Education Apps For K-6 Open Ended Learning On The iPad

Teaching Literacy with the iPad form Kathy Cassidy

A Bloom’s Digital Taxonomy For Evaluating Digital Tasks

The link to our summer session slides:   Summer Session Slides